Conservation Sudbury has developed a watershed-based Natural Asset Management Strategy. The purpose of this strategy is to guide and inform the design and delivery of our various programs and services, ensuring that they respond to watershed issues and needs while also fulfilling our mandated role under the Conservation Authorities Act.

Why Develop a NAMS?

This strategy is a result of changes to the Conservation Authorities Act, in 2021, which included in its new regulation that all Conservation Authorities prepare a “watershed-based resource management strategy”. This strategy must include:

1. Guiding Principles and Objectives that inform the design and delivery of Conservation Sudbury’s programs and services.

2. A summary of existing technical studies, monitoring programs and other information on the natural resources the CA relies on.

3. A review of Conservation Sudbury’s programs and services to:

a. Identify any issues or risks that may impact the delivery of these programs and services.

b. Identify actions to address issues and mitigate risks.

4. A process of periodic reviewing and updating

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