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Transition Plan, Inventory, and Agreements

With the passing of Ontario Regulation 687/21; “Transition Plans and Agreements for Programs and Services Under Section 21.1.2 of the Act” Conservation Authorities are required to develop and implement a Transition Plan outlining processes and timelines to ensure compliance and cost apportioning agreements (if applicable) are in place with their member municipalities as required by subsection 21.1.4 (1) of the Act.

Transition Plan

The Conservation Sudbury Transition Plan sets out the process and timelines for the development and execution of memoranda of understanding and/or service agreements between Conservation Sudbury and its sole municipal partner, the City of Greater Sudbury.

The plan was approved at the December 16th, Conservation Sudbury General Board meeting and has been distributed to the City of Greater Sudbury and the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks.

Inventory of Programs and Services

The inventory lists all the programs and services that the Conservation Authority provides. The inventory includes estimates of the annual costs of services, the sources of funding for the program or service, and is categorized based on the following:

  • Category 1 – Mandatory Programs and Services;
  • Category 2 – Non Mandatory; and
  • Category 3 – Other Programs and Services.

The above noted categories can be identified in Section 21 of the Conservation Authorities Act.

Municipal Agreements

Under the second phase of the transition period, consultation with the City of Greater Sudbury was undertaken regarding an agreement that would address non-mandatory Category 2 and 3 programs and services. These include the valley well monitoring program, the operation and maintenance of small water control structures, tree planting and other stewardship activities, school and community programs, and Camp Bitobig.