Drinking Water Source Protection Committee
This Committee was formed under the authority of the Clean Water Act, 2006. The Committee oversaw a science-based planning process to develop an Assessment Report and a Source Protection Plan to protect sources of municipal drinking water in the Sudbury Source Protection Area. The Committee, by regulation, consists of a Chair, plus 9 members representing a variety of sectors to encompass the broad, multi-sectoral interests of the planning area.
The committee meets approximately three times a year and meetings are open to the public.
To view the Rules of Procedure, Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy, click here.
Source Protection Committee Members
Chair of the Source Protection Committee
Greater Sudbury Municipal Representative
Paul Javor is the Drainage Engineer for Infrastructure Capital Planning division of the City of Greater Sudbury. Paul graduated from the University of Waterloo in Environmental (Civil) Engineering in 2007 and completed his MASc in Water Resource and Environmental Engineering in 2010 at the University of Waterloo. He then began his career with the City of Greater Sudbury in the Fall of 2010 in Distribution and Collection area of Water/Wastewater, moving to the Manager of Water Treatment before returning to a more Engineering focused role as Drainage Engineer. Through these roles he has been directly involved in drinking water and source protection, most recently focusing on stormwater quality improvements in the Ramsey lake Watershed.
Greater Sudbury Municipal Representative
Jessica Brunette has been with the City of Greater Sudbury as an Environmental Compliance Officer for Water/Wastewater Treatment and Compliance since 2013. Prior to this, she worked for Conservation Sudbury as a Source Protection/Stewardship Technician contributing to the development of the local Source Protection Assessment Report and Source Protection Plan. Her extensive knowledge of the Clean Water Act persuaded her to become the City’s first Risk Management Inspector where she led the establishment of the municipality’s implementation efforts. Today, Officer Brunette continues work as a Risk Management Inspector, in addition to enforcing Sudbury’s Sewer Use and Backflow Prevention By-laws. Other roles include spills response and investigation, education and outreach, and internal auditing of the Drinking Water Quality Management System.
Greater Sudbury Municipal Representative
Drew MacDonald is an Operations Engineer with the Distribution and Collection group at the City of Greater Sudbury. Drew was born and raised in Northern Ontario having spent much of his youth traveling the lakes and rivers in the Algoma and Sudbury areas. Drew was also educated in the north having received his Engineering Technology Diploma (Civil) from Cambrian College and his Bachelor of Engineering Degree (Civil) from Lakehead University. He began his career in the private consulting sector before joining the City of Greater Sudbury in 2019 over which time he has focused on the design, construction, and maintenance of linear municipal infrastructure including waster distribution, stormwater collection/treatment, and wastewater collection systems.
Mining Representative
Wendy Wisniewski is an Environmental Biology Technologist and is recognized as a Certified Engineering Technologist with the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists. Currently employed at Vale Canada Limited, Mrs. Wisniewski is a specialist in industrial water permits and regulatory requirements applicable at the municipal potable water systems owned and operated by Vale Canada. As a lifelong resident of Sudbury, she is committed to the protection of the municipal drinking water supply for our community today and for future generations.
Land Development Representative
Luc Bock is a developer in Sudbury and owns L.S. Bock Development. He is also the current president of the Sudbury & District Home Builders Association and is a current member of the Development Liaison Advisory Committee for the City of Greater Sudbury.
Public Member at Large Representative
Amanda Hey retired from health care in 2019 after 35-years as a family physician. She worked as a community-based clinician and a clinical lead for Cancer Care Ontario’s organized cancer screening programs in North East Ontario. The interdependence of a person’s well-being with that of their environment and community health were important factors to the populations she served. In retirement, she is involved with City of Greater Sudbury community-based groups that are concerned about the water quality of our lakes and rivers and consequent effects on environmental and community health.
Public Member at Large Representative
Harry Pearce retired from the forestry industry in 2018 with over 38 years of service at Domtar and some time with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Throughout his career, he assumed many roles including Resource Ecologist, Operations Forester, and Environmental Coordinator. Since his retirement, Harry has taken on an interest in the improvement of water quality and the impacts of climate change.
Environmental Non-Governmental Representative
Kendra Driscoll is a Water Quality Specialist at Water First, a non-governmental organization with the goal of helping address water challenges in Indigenous communities in Canada through education, training, and meaningful collaboration. Kendra has expertise in drinking water treatment, source protection, and environmental monitoring through her professional experience and her Master of Science Degree in Chemical Science from Laurentian University. As a resident of the City of Greater Sudbury, she has a vested interest in protecting our sources of drinking water from contamination and overuse.
Source Protection Committee Meeting Schedule
Meeting minutes and agendas prior to 2018 are available upon request.